Monday, July 12, 2010

To Continue or Not to Continue

Fat, fat, fat. It finally got warm enough for me to put my summer clothes on. They are more shaped and light-coloured than my winter clothes and it just seemed so hopeless that every year they look the same on me and I feel like my rolls of fat are so obvious. So I gave up. And now it is too late for this summer as it is every year.

But I'll keep trying for now and see how it goes.

So for my Summer Slimmin' Check-In my 0.3 kg loss during the last two weeks enlarged my stomach by 1 cm.

Today's Question: Does it bother you more to be overweight in the summer than the winter?


  1. Yes it does! In summer I find everything is more on show, whereas in winter you can wear snuggly wool jumpers/sweaters and baggier clothes, it's expected to be more covered.

  2. It bothers me A LOT mroe in the summer. Being fat makes me more prone to heat intolerance (as does some medication I take),s o it's really bad. I'm hot even with 71 degree a/c and a fan in my face. Sucks. And I measured my waist and only lost a quarter inch, though I lost 15 lbs since last measure.

    I know that the hormonal changes of menopause make a difference. I used to lose fast in the belly and waist. Now, I lose everywhere else first, it seems.

    I should consider low-carb...

    Anyway, letting you know the check-in for Week 5 of Summer Slimmin' is at my blog due to Z having computer issues:

    Happy week to you!

  3. 85 degress. I'll take that! We're 95 today with a heat index making it feel like 105. Ugh.

  4. I don't like not being where I want to be any time of year. Pants fit tight whether it is winter or summer. I need to feel good about myself during eveery season..... healthier too!


Thank you so much for taking the time to write!